Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You Call It "Entitlement" I Call It Justice

My biggest beef with all those that call the people of Occupy a bunch of people that feel entitled to something they didn't work for is that they fail to realize that the youth of the nation has been ROBBED. I work, and I work a lot. I've been employed with one to three jobs since October of 2005 when I was still 15. I've paid my FICA taxes like a devout citizen for over six years now. What exactly am I getting out of this forced tax? Absolutely nothing. Social security is beyond broken, yet they still take the money from the youth to try and keep this broken social safety net in place. They take my money, and give it to the elderly, with no hope of me ever seeing it again. Not only do they do this, but the fucking cap it. If you make enough money you cap on how much goes to social security, so the poorer you are the higher percentage of your income you pay into social security. I suppose trying to fix the mess that we inherited from the previous generations makes us entitled.

I say we have been robbed! We have been attacked! We are being forced into poverty as the rich grow richer. We no longer have the freedoms that they had in the past. Our votes no longer count. I say let us take to the streets. When your vote no longer counts civil disobedience is the only way to get your voice heard once again! WE ARE ENTITLED. We're entitled to a government that cares about it's people, not it's corporations. We're entitled to see our tax dollars benefit us. We're entitled to have our voices heard!

I will not stand by and let this country rot. Someday I would hope to have children, and I would hope that my children would have a future that is not dimmed by elitism and poverty. The wealth divide is growing. Every day that goes by the middle class gets smaller and smaller. Family after family has lost their homes while the bankers and elites robbed our nation of its wealth.

I guess you're right. I am entitled. I'm entitled to justice. I'm entitled to the rights that every human being should have. I'M ENTITLED TO FIXING WHAT THE GENERATIONS BEFORE DESTROYED.

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